What color scrubs do surgeons wear?

What color scrubs do surgeons wear?

Surgeons typically wear green scrubs. This is because green is a calming color that can help to reduce stress and anxiety for both the surgeon and the patient. Green is...
November 02, 2023 — ForEver & Pine
What shoes to wear with scrubs?

What shoes to wear with scrubs?

Scrubs are a staple of the medical professional's wardrobe. They're comfortable, easy to clean, and provide a barrier against bodily fluids. But what shoes should you wear with scrubs? Buy...
October 31, 2023 — ForEver & Pine
Do medical assistants wear scrubs?

Do medical assistants wear scrubs?

Yes, medical assistants typically wear scrubs. Medical scrubs are loose-fitting, comfortable clothing that is easy to clean and disinfect. They are also designed to provide a barrier between the wearer...
October 31, 2023 — ForEver & Pine
How to stay comfortable and stylish in scrubs all day long

How to stay comfortable and stylish in scrubs all day long

Scrubs are a staple for many people in the medical field, but they can be uncomfortable if they don't fit well or if they're not made from breathable fabrics. Luckily,...
October 22, 2023 — ForEver & Pine
How to match your scrubs with your shoes

How to match your scrubs with your shoes

Scrubs are a staple of many industries, including healthcare, food service, and veterinary care. They are comfortable, easy to clean, and help to protect your clothes from dirt and spills....
October 19, 2023 — ForEver & Pine
Do lab technicians wear scrubs?

Do lab technicians wear scrubs?

Whether or not lab technicians wear scrubs depends on the specific laboratory and the type of work that they do. In some laboratories, scrubs are required for all staff, including...
October 16, 2023 — ForEver & Pine
How to alter your scrubs for a custom fit

How to alter your scrubs for a custom fit

Scrubs are a staple for many people in the medical field, but they can be uncomfortable if they don't fit well. Luckily, it's relatively easy to alter your scrubs for...
October 16, 2023 — ForEver & Pine
Do Dental Assistants Wear Scrubs?

Do Dental Assistants Wear Scrubs?

Dental assistants are an important part of any dental team. They help dentists with a variety of tasks, including preparing patients for procedures, taking X-rays, and assisting with restorative work....
October 07, 2023 — ForEver & Pine
Can You Wear Scrubs To A Nursing Interview?

Can You Wear Scrubs To A Nursing Interview?

Nursing is a demanding profession, and nurses often work long hours. It's no wonder that many nurses choose to wear scrubs to work. Scrubs are comfortable, durable, and easy to...
October 04, 2023 — ForEver & Pine
What color scrubs do CNAs wear?

What color scrubs do CNAs wear?

Certified nursing assistants (CNAs) are essential members of the healthcare team. They provide basic care to patients, such as bathing, dressing, and feeding them. They also help patients with mobility...
September 26, 2023 — ForEver & Pine
Do Physical Therapists Wear Scrubs?

Do Physical Therapists Wear Scrubs?

Physical therapists are healthcare professionals who help people recover from injuries and improve their mobility. They work in a variety of settings, including hospitals, clinics, schools, and sports venues. Whether...
September 24, 2023 — ForEver & Pine
What to Wear Under Scrubs

What to Wear Under Scrubs

Scrubs are the standard uniform for many healthcare professionals, but what should you wear underneath them? There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing your undergarments, such...
September 23, 2023 — ForEver & Pine