Finding the perfect pair of scrub pants can sometimes be a challenge. Even when you find the right style and fit, there's always a possibility that they might stretch out over time, leaving you with pants that no longer fit as comfortably as they once did. Fortunately, if you've got scrub pants that are a bit too loose, there's a solution: shrinking them. In this blog, we'll walk you through a step-by-step guide on how to shrink your scrub pants effectively, so you can continue to work comfortably in your favorite pair.

Note: Before attempting to shrink your scrub pants, check the care label to ensure that they are suitable for the shrinking process. Some materials may not respond well to shrinking, and attempting to do so could damage your pants.

Gather Your Materials

To shrink your scrub pants, you'll need the following materials:

  • A washing machine
  • A dryer
  • Hot water
  • A laundry basket or hamper
  • Your scrub pants

Sort Your Scrub Pants

Before starting the shrinking process, sort your scrub pants by color to prevent any potential color bleeding. If you have multiple pairs, ensure that you treat each pair separately.

Wash with Hot Water

The first step in shrinking your scrub pants is to wash them with hot water. Set your washing machine to the hottest water temperature setting available. Add your scrub pants to the machine and let it run through a regular wash cycle. Hot water can help shrink the fabric fibers.

Dry on High Heat

Once your scrub pants have completed the wash cycle, transfer them to the dryer. Set the dryer to the highest heat setting available and let your pants dry thoroughly. The combination of hot water and high heat will encourage the fabric to shrink.

Check the Fit

After the first wash and dry cycle, check the fit of your scrub pants. They may have already shrunk to your desired size. If they're still too loose, you can repeat the process by washing and drying them again. Keep in mind that over-shrinking can damage the fabric and affect the overall appearance of your pants, so proceed with caution.

Iron (Optional)

If your scrub pants have wrinkles after drying, you can use an iron to smooth them out. Be sure to adjust the iron to the appropriate heat setting for the fabric to avoid burning or damaging your pants.

Store Properly

Once you've achieved the desired fit, store your scrub pants appropriately to maintain their shape. Fold them neatly or hang them in your closet to prevent excessive stretching between wears.

    Shrinking your scrub pants can be an effective way to ensure they continue to fit comfortably and provide the support you need while working in healthcare. By following this step-by-step guide, you can shrink your scrub pants safely and extend their lifespan, allowing you to enjoy your favorite pair for a long time to come.

      September 10, 2023
      Tags: blog